Why Us?

Providing Unbiased Perspectives on Fabric Structure Solutions

An Unbiased Perspective on Structure Solutions and Financing

It’s our mission to continue to be an industry leader in innovative building structures, materials, and techniques. Partnering with prominent fabric and building material manufacturers allows Edge to provide an unbiased perspective on a wide range of quality fabric building solutions, determining the best fabric structure application for your industry needs.

Edge challenges the fabric structure status-quo by providing a customer-centric approach to quality solutions. By offering financing, leasing, and rental options, we focus on the customer’s budget first, providing you with detailed information on how to manage your payments.

View of a Fabric structure being built at dusk

A Quality Design-Build Solution From a Single Source

As a comprehensive contractor for fabric building solutions, Edge allows you to avoid outsourcing fabric building services and materials to complete your structure. Founded on construction training dating back to 1974 in Great Britain and Ireland, consider Edge your single source for all fabric building structure solutions, from site analysis and design, installation, and repairs to replacements and dismantles.

We walk you through every step of the construction process. Whether you need a temporary or permanent fabric building, our team helps you choose the best foundation option for your application. We’re well-versed in a wide range of industries, providing durable fabric structures across North America that solve specific problems.


From salt storage to machinery workshops, we have experience in designing and constructing fabric structure applications for a variety of uses and industries.


From giving accurate feedback to offering trustworthy structure solutions, we strive every day to maintain a quality-proven track record of satisfied customers.

Discover The

Edge Advantage


Comprehensive Contracting

Unbiased Solutions

We recognize industry problems and develop quality, unbiased solutions that result in innovative fabric building structures equipped with custom financing options. Comprehensive contracting solutions are our specialty. From laying structure foundations to installing automatic doors, your entire project starts and ends with Edge Inc The result? A customized, cost-effective fabric building structure tailored to your industry needs.

Contact Us Today

Our customers are always at the center of their structure solution. Contact us today to start planning your next fabric building project.